Cause and method of treatment
Stop 0x0000000A
This message indicates that one of the drivers is not compatible with Windows, or that there is a virus that has reached the system files to solve the problem. Make sure that your device is free of viruses and remove any
A driver you installed recently and get a driver compatible with Windows XP
Stop 0x0000001E
Stop 0x0000003F
This message indicates that there is anonymous access to the memory in an invalid way and often this message appears when installing a driver incompatible with Windows Xp, and to solve this problem, the driver that was installed recently must be removed.
Stop 0x00000024
This message indicates that there is a problem in the NTFS file system and there is a similar message whose symbol ends at 23 and it is specific to the FAT32 file system. To solve this problem, run this file from the chkdsk.exe command prompt and make sure that the wires are properly connected between the disks.
Stop 0x0000002E
There are several reasons for the emergence of this message, the most common of which is a problem with the system memory or the memory of the display card, and among other reasons there is a problem with the hard disk and it must be examined and the last reason is a malfunction in the motherboard
Stop 0x0000003F
This message is rare and it is most likely caused by misuse of data recovery in Backup. Try using System Restore to solve the problem.
Stop 0x00000050
This message indicates that one of the drivers or services has called some data from the memory but did not find it and the cause of this problem is either a driver or a program incompatible with Windows XP that is not compatible with Windows such as some anti-virus programs in this case, the driver or program that appeared after the message must be removed Install it, and don’t forget to log in to Windows in SAFE MODE
Stop 0x00000077
This message states that the system failed to access the required data from the virtual memory and the cause of this problem could be due to various reasons, including memory corruption, a problem with the hard disk, or a virus infection to the device.
Stop 0x00000079
This message indicates that there is a mismatch between the Windows XP system files and the hardware abstraction layer> HAL for Windows. This problem occurs most often on devices that work with ACPI specifications. If the ACPI settings in the BIOS change unexpectedly, and to solve the problem, Windows must be reinstalled after making sure that it is correct. Settings in the BIOS.
Stop 0x0000007A
Acknowledgment of this message is similar to the problem with Stop 0x0000007
The reason for it is either a bad installation or setup of SCSI drivers, bad partitions on the hard disk, or a conflict between the BIOS and the SCSI controller settings.
Stop 0x0000007B
This message indicates that Windows XP did not recognize the hard disk partitions while the machine is running. To solve this problem, boot from the Windows XP CD and enter the Recovery Console and run the Bootcfg command
Stop 0x0000007F
This message indicates that there is a hardware problem, and it is often caused by a malfunction in the memory chips or a rise in the processor temperature, which may result from a malfunction of the cooling fan or an attempt to raise the processor speed to a degree that it cannot bear.
Stop 0x0000009F
This message indicates that there is a problem in the previous shutdown process of the device and it is caused by a driver or program incompatible with Windows, and often the name of the driver is attached to the error message and you have to uninstall it after logging into Windows in Safe Mode
Stop 0x000000C2
This message indicates a failed attempt by one of the drivers to access an invalid location in the memory. Get rid of the last driver you installed.
Stop 0x000000D1
This error message is considered one of the common messages when installing Windows XP or updating an earlier version of Windows to the XP version, and it is caused by an incompatible driver or a version of a program that is incompatible with Windows XP, to bypass this problem try to obtain the appropriate drivers before installing Windows.
Stop 0x000000D8
The cause of this problem is a bad driver, and the solution to the problem is similar to the problem, after getting rid of the drivers, the cause of the problem, if known.
Stop 0x000000EA
This message appears when installing a new display card or using a driver, to solve the problem for your existing card, but it is not suitable for Windows XP. Change the card or remove the wrong driver.
Stop 0x000000ED
Windows XP could not access the disk that contains the boot files. If you see this message after trying to update the system to Windows XP, make sure that you have the appropriate drivers for the disk controller, and this message often disappears automatically without any intervention from you after a restart the device .
Stop 0x000000F2
This message indicates that one of the devices failed to use the IRQ because the driver of this device is not suitable for Windows XP Read the data attached to the error message to find out the name of the driver the cause of the problem and the device associated with it, and then after accessing the SAFE MODE, go to the Device Manager and remove any associated device With the same line IRQ then add them again.
Stop 0xC000021A
A program caused a problem in the system file Crss.exe to solve the problem. Remove the program responsible for the problem and it can be identified from the information appended to the error message.
Stop 0xC0000221
This message indicates corruption in one of the system files and a name is mentioned