Linux was written in 1991 by a man named Linus Torvalds, a computer science student. At that time, many used Unix-based operating systems. When Linus Torvalds used the Unix operating system, he thought he could create a better operating system that would be an academic and free version for everyone. At that time Unix was very expensive and worked much better than the Windows operating system, which is true even today.
That’s how Linus Torvalds started writing the code for the Linux operating system. At the end of his work he decided that the system would be presented as open source and provided free of charge to everyone, unlike Unix.
In an open source operating system, anyone with the right knowledge can continue to develop the operating system in any direction they choose. The development is carried out on existing Linux operating system infrastructure.
Basic commands
To succeed in the Linux world we must learn some basic commands, the following commands will help you navigate your Linux machine, create files, folders and move them from place to place.
Also, take into account that the root user is actually the system administrator and can create files and folders anywhere on the system.
Ordinary users of the system can only create files in their / home / [name] folder and the tmp folder that we will learn later.
cd – change / select folder like, cd navigation:
• / – will take us to RootFS to the root of the operating system.
• ~ – will take us to the user’s home folder we are currently in.
•. – Leaves us in the same place, good for copying files from anywhere to where we are.
• .. – Moves us one folder backwards.
whoami – Displays the user you are currently logged into.
clear – clears the text from the screen.
ifconfig – Displays your ip address.
top – Displays the services of the system.
ps -a – Displays all open software in the system.
grep – A content filtering command usually uses a command with the “|” We will study later.
man – command guide, using this command we can know how to write any command in the system.
rm – Delete files, to delete a folder add -r basically.
nano – text editor – type of script
Ifconfig – Displays the machine’s network card settings
Hostname – Displays the machine name
Route – View the default gateway address
pwd – Displays the location I am in.
touch – Creates a blank file.
sudo passwd – Change the password for the administrator user, so basically set a password to root for the first time.
su – switch user command.
passwd – Change user password.
ls – Displays all files where you are.
echo – Output to screen, just display text to screen.
cat – Displays the contents of the file.
mkdir – Creates a folder.
cp – Copies a folder or file from one place to another.
mv – Moves the file from place to place, as does renaming the file.
Command Operators
If you want to run several commands in succession, or perhaps save the command output to a file for future comparison, you will need to use operators.
The role of operators is to concatenate commands using special icons or to save all output to any file using the following icons:
<- Send output + override file content
<< – Send output while retaining existing content (append)
&& – Executing several commands in parallel While referring to the sequence of commands, the following command is executed only after the first execution is completed and successfully.
; – Executing several commands simultaneously without reference to the command sequence, the following command will execute even if the previous command failed to execute.

Kali Linux comes with over 600 preinstalled penetration testing tools coupled with live boot capability – features that make Kali Linux an ideal workstation for vulnerability testing.
Ubuntu is more suited for personal uses while Kali is best for (Ethical) Hackers, vulnerability testers and “nerds” because of the tools they both come bundled with. (Although you can install same set of “Hacking” tools on Ubuntu).